Business standards
We do business in line with the principles and
standards of business practices enshrined in the
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and we
guarantee honest and fair treatment of our
partners and customers.

MTS AI adheres to the following rules and documents in its business practices:
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Anti-Corruption Law Compliance Policy
Conflict of Interest Management Policy
Counterparty Code of Business Conduct
Policy on Gifts & Hospitality
Compliance Contacts
Who do you contact?
For compliance and business ethics issues, feel free to contact
MTS Group hotline
Report potential or actual violations of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, corruption and fraud, and other violations of the law:
- сall 8 800 234 44 18 (toll-free in Russia);
- for toll-free calls from outside Russia, use instructions at,  where you can also fill out a simple inquiry form.
The hotline service is operated by an independent third party.
We guarantee confidentiality and non-disclosure of personal data of anyone who reports via the hotline, and we will make sure that no harm is done to these people. You may report violations anonymously. Remember that intentional provision of false or misleading information is unacceptable.